Feb 3, 2010

life...oh life

life is wonderful...life is colorful..often i heard those words..n i believe life is beautiful as well..i am facing a difficult time rite now.and luckily i have Allah to share everything with.."dan ingatlah sesungguhnya dengan mengingati Allah itu hati akan tenang".

i'm very thankful to the Almighty because He has chosen me to be a Muslim. n i always pray that i'll die as a Muslim too..insya Allah.. sometimes i wonder, if us Muslim could find the life is very challenging, what about non-muslims? we at least have Allah at our side..but they? Ya Allah,janganlah Kau palingkan hidayah dariku setelah Kau anugerahkan hidayah kepadaku, dan jauhilah aku dari api neraka.

Things happen for reason.yup, i absolutely believe that. we as His slave, should always live the life the way He wants us to. as He created us, therefore He knows what is the best for us. let say someone created a car, for sure he knows what fuel is the best for his car, isn't it?

As times flying by, I have grown older n older. and the way i'm living my life also has changed a little bit. before, my main priority is to pass all the exams in university, and be a degree holder. alhamdulillah i have achieved that. my priority now?err...yet to be determined. most of my good friends have married, n actually that makes my life bored. no more friends to hang out with. huhuhu...n for sure at my age now, wherever i go, the most frequent question being asked is that..."yoe bile lagi?"hahaha...for the question, i still dont have the answer. marriage is not as simple as it sounds..yup its sunnah rasulullah, i didnt denied that, i want to follow it. but the most important things is, finding the right one. that is the gift i yet to received. then is getting married is my priority now?er...not anymore.

i still asking myself, what is my specific dream? to be successful is too general. to be a prime minister?long way to go.what is the dream that i can achieved before i'm 30?em..em...emmm...nope...still the dream do not pop up from my brain.

now, i'm a little bored at home..i dont want to be alone, as i am pushing myself towards a new me, which could be very hard to be done if i'm alone. i want to hang out, playing badminton every day, playing futsal every night..but, all the good friends are not here. yes i have friends, but good friends didnt come everyday, did they? oh yes, i got GPMS. then i will make myself bz with GPMS thingy then.

life oh life....its is so hard, as Jannah is so nice. as a Muslim, we believe this life is only a transit for us. we for good, one day will be dead, n entered a new world, alam kubur, before going to alam akhirat. so this life is vey short. either it is difficult, or it is hard, face it, n enjoy it!but make sure, dun break the rules He has created for us before. then we will find the life, instead of its hardness, is a beautiful place as well.

pen off


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